The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Make A Positive Impact

How many times have you told yourself, “When I have ________ (money, time, better health, etc.) then I’ll be able to _________ (change the world, etc., etc., etc.)”

Or you’ve convinced yourself that, “When they finally do ______ (quit picking on me, make me a manager, etc.), then I can ________ (be happy, whatever.)”

There may even be a bit of truth to those statements—but that’s not all that you are. That’s not all you can do. No matter what circumstance you are in right now, you can make a difference—for yourself and with others you interact with.

Yep, it’ll be great when you no longer owe a hundred grand on your credit cards and the value of your house once again rises above what you owe on it. Even with those challenges do what you can do to make today a bit better.

You must keep putting one foot in front of another to handle the “details” of life. But if you wait until everything is perfect you’re going to miss a lot of good in life.

Each moment is a choice to touch the good, to spread some positive to the people you encounter. Take 2 minutes to call someone you haven’t talked with in awhile, and let them know you think about them.

Send an email to a client you value and attach an article that benefits their business.

Acknowledge even one person for a contribution they made to your work—day—productivity—humor—motivation—learning—love—anything that touched you on some level.

Spread that good and you are making our world a better place. No one can spread the good in your circle of experience in precisely the unique way you can. Do it! You will feel better for doing it and you’ll make someone else’s day a touch better.

Best of Success, Dr. Larry

PS. Getting yourself into a positive state is crucial. To make those impacts with others requires you get you under control. Then you can more greatly assist those who depend on you. Start here: When you go there you can pick up a free copy of my downloadable program “Energize Your Life”. Go get yours now.