The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Positive Attitude Increases Longevity

In the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology a 30 year study reported that 660 study participants with a positive attitude lived an average of 7.5 years longer than did negative participants.

It talked about how these positive individuals had more fun, they kept a proactive attitude, and made themselves keep moving. That even if they didn’t feel like doing something, they’d find a way to think of the positive result, and do it anyway.

Play is crucial. Are you having fun—regularly? Do you have a social circle that you enjoy being with? Are you getting out, moving your body, and doing things you enjoy? You’d better!

I regularly hear people my age talk about how they are getting old. What?!?! Stay away from me! I don’t want your dis-ease!

Years don’t make you old! Your negative mind-set about the years you’ve lived (and maybe the ones you have left) makes you old.

You might not be able to do everything you did when you were 16, but get up and go for it to the best of your ability. Use your mind and your body.

You know there really is a mind/body connection, right? You can think yourself sick. Approximately 30% of the clients I’ve seen in private therapy have been for psychosomatic illnesses. Their “stinkin’ thinkin’” made them sick.

Choose health. Choose vitality. Choose fun and play. These choices all spring from a positive attitude.

Do something today that makes you smile and energizes your body. This will begin the process of blowing-the-doors-off the “getting old” thinking.

Go for it! There is no time like the present!