The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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The Practice of Happiness
The Dozen Core Components To Creating Abundant Happiness (Part 11 of 14)

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(…continued from last week)

Patience Is Required

Have you ever seen that cartoon where there’s a vulture sitting in a tree beside another vulture? One turns to the other and says, “Patience! I’m going to kill something!”

Well don’t rush things, practice patience. Keep a good attitude for working hard for what you believe in. When the time is right it’s going to happen, but you’ve got to keep moving. You’ve got to keep working, you have to keep putting one foot in front of another and just going for it. Never give up, never give in, just keep going.

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Ben Sweetland salesman extraordinaire said, “The world is full of abundance and opportunity, far too many people come to the fountain with a sieve instead of a tank car, a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result, they get little.” Well you’ve got to be patient, but you’ve got to go forward. You’ve got to get out there and make things happen.

Start The Day Focused Positive

Another tip that is where we need to begin each day is you need to start your day by taking control of your thoughts before they take control of you.

The human brain is a random accessing device. It rambles around. It jumps around and does all kinds of gymnastics, leaping from one thing to the next. Sometimes those things are not to your benefit, they’re negative, they’re disheartening, they take away from your focused direction.

You need to take back control of your thoughts, before they take control of you. It’s often your own thinking that gets in your way, not what someone else is doing. It’s you hurting you by the focus or lack of focus on what’s happening around you.

Realize you can’t solve your problems with the same thinking you used to create them. Albert Einstein said, “I cannot solve the problem of today by thinking about it in the same way I did yesterday, I must move up a level.” If there’s a problem on level three, move to level four. If there’s a problem on level 26, move to level 27. You have to look at it from up above. You have to break free and think about it from outside.

We don’t have to imprison ourselves or stay stuck. We have to in fact break out of the box, think like there is no box, look outside of you and take action from that outside perspective. You need to think about where you’re going, what you want to achieve.

Intentionally Choose Positive

Happiness is in the heart, it’s in the mind, it’s not in random circumstances or in some special event that’s happened. It’s a heart experience, it’s a mind experience, it’s a body experience.

Beautiful, wonderful things can happen when you distance yourself from negative thinking. Be positive right now.

Smile right now, not because everything is wonderful, but because you see the good in things. Choose to be positive, choose to make it good at this moment in time.

Carol King in her 1971 album Tapestry, sang a song called ‘Beautiful’. Part of the lyrics were, “You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face, and show the world all the love in your heart. Then people will treat you better, you’re going to find, yes you will, that you’re beautiful as you feel.” You need to be positive, you need to be happy, you need to choose it.

(to be continued…)

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Do you know how the wealthy look at the world? Where are their priorities? What are their spending and investing habits? How do they feel about opportunity, poverty, charity, and employment? The answers just might surprise you. But acquiring the mindset of a millionaire takes more than a focus on money. In fact, to the very rich, money is a byproduct of value given. This is just one crucial piece of the entire picture, revealed here in this program.