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Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back (Part 9)

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(…continued from last week)

Be Grateful

The third thing that Einstein said we need to remember to do is instead of worrying about ingratitude shown by another, just let it roll off.

Quite often, people don’t ever say thank you for services you render. You help someone out and they just assume that it’s a good thing you did because you love them so much and they don’t really owe you anything, even a thank you.

So don’t be concerned about people’s ingratitude. Unfortunately many people are just that way. If they say thank you, that’s great, but if they don’t, don’t let it bother you. Instead, remember to just feel your inner satisfaction for giving.

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Work because you work. Spend time with the people that you care about because they are important to you in your life and you want to spend time with them. Don’t worry about getting from your giving, but just give to give.

Remember that gratitude is cultivated. If you want people around you to be more grateful for things, then be more grateful for who you are. Train them and show them that gratitude comes back. The attitude of gratitude, the attitude of appreciation of things makes everything richer.

If you experience that attitude of gratitude for a piece of fruit when you eat it, it actually tastes sweeter when you slow down and feel that feeling about the delicious thing you have consumed. When you are in the middle of it, have that attitude of gratitude that makes each moment sweeter.

Count Your Blessings

The fourth piece that Einstein talked about is you need to count your blessings, not your troubles. Everyone has struggles. There is no one that doesn’t have ups and downs. I don’t care who you are, I don’t care how much money you have. I don’t care how in control of your situation you are. You will have ups and downs.

So focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have.

Focus on the good stuff that you are getting, receiving, experiencing, instead of focusing on the difficulties you have. This goes back once again to living in day focused timeframes. If you focus right now on the good in your life, you think about the things you need to overcome and work on, but you focus more on what’s the good in your life.

Be The Real You

The fifth aspect that Einstein said is don’t imitate someone else. Be yourself. Be who you are. Don’t focus on trying to be someone other than who you are.

You can be a great you, but you will never be a great someone else.

Are there other people who you will probably never be the equal of? Without a doubt. There are millions. That’s irrelevant. You still need to do the best you can at this moment in time with who you are and what you are doing. Be the best you can be. Don’t try to be someone else or imitate or be a copy of. Be the best you that you can be. It makes all the difference.

Don’t Get Stuck Negatively

The sixth aspect Einstein said really made a difference in being a more effective human being is if difficulties come along, don’t worry about them. In other words, if life hands you a lemon, make lemonade.

Don’t worry about the fact that difficulties come, difficulties will happen. That worry will suck your ability down the drain into that negative whirlpool of thinking that blocks you from coming up with new and innovative ideas to move forward and into a better tomorrow.

If things get difficult, so be it. Just think about what you can do, make a decision, and take action.

Take Action That Improves

And the last of the seven he said, is forget being unhappy. Do something that is helping someone else.

Do something that is improving the human condition. Do something that makes your home or your community just a little better. When you do good for others it lifts you and you feel better yourself. It gives you more power, more ability to take even better care of yourself by doing this.

You will move you forward into a better day by using the seven aspects in cultivating a positive attitude. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, never try to get even, don’t worry about ingratitude’s, focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have. Don’t try to be an imitation, be the best you can be, if difficulties come along accept it, do what you can, and move on, and do the best you can to help other people because it helps you as well.

(to be continued…)

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Keys To Being Unstoppable, Confident & Feeling Great. This eBook and Audio program contains strategies that increase your mental control and help you achieve your goals. Learn how to direct your mind and emotions so you begin living the life you desire. You’ll learn in detail, how you can make rapid, positive changes in your life. Learn proven strategies that have helped thousands. You’ll know methods for improving your health and increasing your physical energy, how to give your career and income a boost, methods for overcoming emotional barriers that can block you, and more.