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Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!

Make Everyday A Great Day!
(Part 6 of 8)

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(…continued from last week)

Ramp Up Your Brain

One of Napoleon Hill’s sayings was, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!” I’m going to change that just a little bit. I’m going to change it to, “Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!”

Feel it, see it in your mind, think about those things you want to do. Hear yourself and resonate your power inside of you.

Forward Thinking
Within you are the seeds of greatness! Take your life to the next level of achievement!
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“Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!”
“Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!”
“Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!”
“Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!”
“Whatever I can conceive and believe, I can achieve!”

It is possible. You can make things happen. You can do great things. You can inspire many, many, many people. You can focus your mind, focus your body, achieve your goals, and make wonderful things happen.

W. Clement Stone — Owning It

W. Clement Stone was the founder of one of the most successful insurance companies to ever exist in the United States — Combined Insurance Companies of America. He was known worldwide as a motivator and professional development mentor. He was the founder of “Success Magazine”.

One of the affirmations he used was, “I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!” Think that over and over and know it is true inside of yourself, in your heart, in your gut, in your brain.

“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”
“I am not a product of my situation, I am a product of my decisions and my goals!”

Every day you have the potential to be your best self.

You can make every day a great day, you just have to go for it.

Making every day a great day is a choice, it’s a focus, it’s a doing, it’s an action, it’s a way of thinking, it’s a feeling. You can make that happen, it is within you, it exists in you right now as much as it ever existed in any human being on the planet.

You can make your days great days by your choice, by what you focus on, by where you will go, by what you’ll have. The thought, “I will persist until I succeed!” goes right along with what Mr. Stone said. It is from the book, The Greatest Salesman in the World, written by Og Mandino (who was mentored by Mr. Stone.)

Persistence is key, you move, you do, you take action, you achieve those things that are most important to you. I will persist until I succeed!

Knowing good things are going to happen to you is a choice, it’s a thought, it’s an action, it is a feeling and you can bring it about. Every day by your thoughts, by what you do, it gets easier.

Good things are going to happen to you and they happen because you choose them. You choose them instead of all the other things you could choose. Do distressing things happen? Certainly. Are there ever roadblocks? Without a doubt. Do people drop the ball and not do what they committed to doing? Of course. Yet good things are still going to happen because you choose to move and do and act and take it forward.

It is your choice, you can make good things happen. And beginning today, you give it your biggest focus, your clear attention and begin creating evermore a better and better today, which leads you into the tomorrow you desire.

(to be continued…)

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Forward Thinking
Applying the Psychology of Exceptional Leaders! Have you ever watched someone who is consistently exceptional at what they do? That isn’t an accident. It took perseverance, a will to win, and massive amounts of time and energy. It took proactive focused action. They had a strong belief in themselves and their potential. It was the result of building up a sustaining passion for their vision and for the goals they want to achieve. It was creativity, finding new and unique ways to make things happen. It was overcoming conflicts, because nothing ever happens without some conflict. In Forward Thinking you will learn how to apply the Psychology of Leadership Success Systems to take your life, career, athletic performance and more to the level of achievement you’ve only previously dreamed of.