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Are You Playing It Too Safe?

The Science of You:
Boosting Your Personal Effectiveness for Repeated Successes (Part 9 of 11)

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(…continued from last week)

Is Playing It Safe, Safe?

You’ve got to do new things. Sometimes, playing the odds is the way to go. And just doing the status quo is the fastest way to lose. Without change, without evolution, nothing new occurs.

These major leaps mean to some degree, you move beyond your comfort zone of familiarity. You have to break out of the security. You have to leave a little bit of the comfort behind as you stretch a bit. It doesn’t mean be impulsive and be destructive, but it does mean you have to go out there and go for it in new and unique ways, and go against some of that gut-level part that is trying to hold you back from trying things.

Frankly, making a quantum leap is not just gambling; it’s not a crap shoot. You move forward. You abandon your excuses, you reframe the problem, you think about it in a new way and you make the chance happen. That leap happens because you go for it. It’s new, it’s different, to some degree it’s risky.

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But you risk on yourself. You believe in you. You believe in your vision. You see what’s out ahead of you. If you don’t keep focused on that and believe and take a risk on you, life is going to be very boring for the most part. And it won’t be very fulfilling and probably not very successful.

It isn’t the case of taking a big chance, it’s a matter of giving yourself an opportunity! It’s a matter of believing in you and your potential!

The major obstacle to overcoming the odds is not challenging them. You have to test the limits of what you can achieve. You can’t fully know what your potential is until you’re out there going for it. Yes, sometimes the odds are stacked against you. If they’re stacked enough, wait. Halt. Take your time. Yet if you want to minimize your risk and your vulnerability, you set your goal, you have your vision, you go out there, and you go for it. You make that leap. That quantum leap of success comes because you do exactly that—you leap.

Stop Getting Ready–Take Action

It’s really normal for people to confuse wanting, wishing, and hoping, with pursuing. You have to take action. You dream dreams. They’re there for you, for the creation, for the taking. Many of them are within your reach.

You can achieve amazing things. Even now—most of what you dream can be yours. It’s not out of your reach. I don’t care how old you are. I don’t care what your background is. You can go for it!

A simple secret is–move, act, pursue. Go for it. Step up. Make it happen. The world behaves differently when you actually take action.

When you just wish for something, that’s an impotent dream, an impotent action. You have to stop wishing and you have to start doing. Consider this: the goals you have achieved in your life were at one point a dream. Something you hoped for and worked for and went for—and you achieved it. Those dreams were achieved because they were a goal.

Active vs. Passive

Wishing, longing, hoping, desiring, are not the same as doing. These are mental states. They sometimes play a very important role in getting you going. But doing is very different than hoping or desiring. Essentially they are passive. Going for it is active. Reaching for the dream, taking action, shortens the distance between you and your desired objective, between you and your goal.

Most people do confuse this wishing/wanting with doing. Don’t. Quit thinking about it, starting achieving it. Start doing it. Start acting toward it. Pursuit makes a difference. Reaching for what you want alters the odds drastically. What you want becomes part of a dynamic exchange.

The Science of You is firmly based on the premise of action. Quantum leaps are action. You can’t achieve exponential gains without action. You can’t remain in a passive stance hoping for something to happen and make that quantum leap without stopping the passiveness and taking action. You must move on a dream. You must leave the cover of the safety, the risk-adverse part of you.

Quantum leaps demand a willingness to step out there. You’re going to make mistakes. Without a mistake, there is no growth. You can’t sit back in your comfort zone and do nothing and hope you win.

Is Playing It Safe, Safe?

You’ve got to do new things. Sometimes, playing the odds is the way to go. And just doing the status quo is the fastest way to lose. Without change, without evolution, nothing new occurs.

These major leaps mean to some degree, you move beyond your comfort zone of familiarity. You have to break out of the security. You have to leave a little bit of the comfort behind as you stretch a bit. It doesn’t mean be impulsive and be destructive, but it does mean you have to go out there and go for it in new and unique ways, and go against some of that gut-level part that is trying to hold you back from trying things.

Frankly, making a quantum leap is not just gambling; it’s not a crap shoot. You move forward. You abandon your excuses, you reframe the problem, you think about it in a new way and you make the chance happen. That leap happens because you go for it. It’s new, it’s different, to some degree it’s risky.

But you risk on yourself. You believe in you. You believe in your vision. You see what’s out ahead of you. If you don’t keep focused on that and believe and take a risk on you, life is going to be very boring for the most part. And it won’t be very fulfilling and probably not very successful.

It isn’t the case of taking a big chance, it’s a matter of giving yourself an opportunity! It’s a matter of believing in you and your potential!

The major obstacle to overcoming the odds is not challenging them. You have to test the limits of what you can achieve. You can’t fully know what your potential is until you’re out there going for it. Yes, sometimes the odds are stacked against you. If they’re stacked enough, wait. Halt. Take your time. Yet if you want to minimize your risk and your vulnerability, you set your goal, you have your vision, you go out there, and you go for it. You make that leap. That quantum leap of success comes because you do exactly that—you leap.

Stop Getting Ready–Take Action

It’s really normal for people to confuse wanting, wishing, and hoping, with pursuing. You have to take action. You dream dreams. They’re there for you, for the creation, for the taking. Many of them are within your reach.

You can achieve amazing things. Even now—most of what you dream can be yours. It’s not out of your reach. I don’t care how old you are. I don’t care what your background is. You can go for it!

A simple secret is–move, act, pursue. Go for it. Step up. Make it happen. The world behaves differently when you actually take action.

When you just wish for something, that’s an impotent dream, an impotent action. You have to stop wishing and you have to start doing. Consider this: the goals you have achieved in your life were at one point a dream. Something you hoped for and worked for and went for—and you achieved it. Those dreams were achieved because they were a goal.

Active vs. Passive

Wishing, longing, hoping, desiring, are not the same as doing. These are mental states. They sometimes play a very important role in getting you going. But doing is very different than hoping or desiring. Essentially they are passive. Going for it is active. Reaching for the dream, taking action, shortens the distance between you and your desired objective, between you and your goal.

Most people do confuse this wishing/wanting with doing. Don’t. Quit thinking about it, starting achieving it. Start doing it. Start acting toward it. Pursuit makes a difference. Reaching for what you want alters the odds drastically. What you want becomes part of a dynamic exchange.

The Science of You is firmly based on the premise of action. Quantum leaps are action. You can’t achieve exponential gains without action. You can’t remain in a passive stance hoping for something to happen and make that quantum leap without stopping the passiveness and taking action. You must move on a dream. You must leave the cover of the safety, the risk-adverse part of you.

Quantum leaps demand a willingness to step out there. You’re going to make mistakes. Without a mistake, there is no growth. You can’t sit back in your comfort zone and do nothing and hope you win.

(to be continued…)

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