Tag: excuses
Are You Playing It Too Safe?
The Science of You: Boosting Your Personal Effectiveness for Repeated Successes (Part 9 of 11) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Is Playing It Safe, Safe? You’ve got to do new things. Sometimes, playing the odds is the way to go. And just doing the status quo is the fastest […]
Posted: May 27th, 2020 under Audio Programs.
Tags: believe, challenge, chance, change, comfort zone, excuses, focus, major obstacle, opportunity, playing it safe, quantum leap, reframe, risky, successful
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Don’t Let Them Beat You
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 4 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Practice Makes Mastery Excuses, reasons and justifications block achieving your goals because they are a way of trying to wriggle out of ownership. You are what you […]
Posted: April 24th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anxiety, bad childhood, brave, depression, excuses, fear, guilt, health, justifications, letting go, magic vase, mastery, mentor, poor choices, poor decisions, positive, proactive, proven model, step-by-step plan, study, tough time, wealth, wrong thinking, your heart’s desire
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Stop Making Excuses
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 3 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Excuses Are Self Perpetuating These are reasons for excuses, and they generally lead to keeping on making more excuses—because like produces like. You make an excuse you […]
Posted: April 17th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: action, desired outcome, excuses, formula for success, goal, lose weight, money, plan, prioritize, revise plan, sports performance, unleash your success, vision
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Broken Windows Can Be Fun
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 2 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Action on Purpose I am the proud father of four children. And those children have broken windows. One of my children broke more windows than all the […]
Posted: April 10th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: a lesson, Accident, ashamed, be perfect, broken windows, disciplinarian, embarrassment, excuses, in trouble, justifications, learning experience, lie, mistakes, stronger
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Don’t Snooze or You Lose
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 1 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. You Don’t Have to Be Perfect It is absolutely possible to begin moving in the direction of your dreams right this moment. These practical proven strategies will boost your ability to […]
Posted: April 3rd, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: blame, confidence, do it yourself, embarrassment, excuses, fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear of succeeding, kindness, learning, make mistakes, mistakes, modeling, proven strategies, safe, skill
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Don’t Demand Perfection and Don’t Give Excuses!
Order and download this entire audio program. I’ve Only Got Three Nerves Left – And You Are Pinching Two Of Them (Part 13) (…continued from last week) Don’t Demand Perfection Also, don’t demand perfection. Most people aren’t all that great at providing negative feedback. One option is to demand that every single little piece of […]
Posted: September 12th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: accountable, clarify, exaggeration, excuses, frustrated, grandiose statements, negativity, no excuses, non-verbal criticism, perception, perfection, validate, validation
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Breaking Free! (Part 5)
Order and download this entire audio program. (…continued from last week) Your Choices Make You A number of years ago on the radio, the commentator Paul Harvey said, “We are all a product of our choices, not of the circumstances we encounter.” And then he told this story about twin brothers. From the time they […]
Posted: April 4th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: action oriented, Choices, develop, excuses, happiness, learn, opportunity, Paul Harvey, potential, risk, study, take a chance, therapy, victim
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Controlling Your Destiny (Part 1)
Order and download this entire audio program. Time to Get Started It’s been said that old habits die hard, implying that it’s next to impossible to change long standing thought patterns or behaviors. Yet you have changed many long standing habits during your life Furthermore, the most effective means for eliminating habitual thoughts or habitual […]
Posted: November 22nd, 2017 under Audio Programs.
Tags: behavior patterns, change, excuse, excuses, habits, habitual patterns, mind controls, placebo, self-defeating, self-image, thought patterns
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