Can You Learn From Others Mistakes?
(continued from last week…)
Winning with Good Input
Something you can do to make a difference on your way to winning is to have a great coach or a mentor to assist. There is no substitute for experience. There are two ways to get it. One is to go out and do things and the other is to learn from people who have already done it and made a lot of mistakes and learn what they did that worked. It can be a lot less costly and significantly easier to learn from other people’s mistakes and their successes.
Of course you have to go out ultimately and do it yourself as well and you’ll probably screw it up in the process, but if you learned something that worked for someone else and it worked fairly consistently, then even though you may have trial and error you are going to save yourself a lot of time.
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We all need guidance; it’s critically important you keep your mind open to listening to the wisdom of other people and then have the courage to apply it for yourself. Sometimes we have problems taking advice, we don’t want to listen. We commit to always doing something and “this is the way I want to do it”. That’s not bad, yet if you shut yourself off from the people around you who can benefit you, the only person who really loses is you.
It’s vitally important that we become advice seekers, that we get advice from as many people as we can, good and bad. We then find ways to discern between the good and the bad. It’s like mining for gold. A lot of the material you remove from a goldmine isn’t worth very much until it’s been crushed and washed and filtered etc. Then you find that there’s gold inside of that and you take the gold out. Good advice is rather like that, you have to sift through what you receive and see what’s most valuable and what works best.
The problem with bad advice is that it often sounds good, yet if it is not proven then we don’t want to automatically assume “I have to do this as well”. When you seek out people with integrity, people who have your best interests at heart, most of the time they will give you valued input and that input can save you time, money, energy and frustration.
Some of the traits you might want to think about in looking for someone who can mentor and help coach you are that they have good character, they are a decent human being, that they are someone who has value for themselves and for the people around them. A person’s character is the sum total of who they are, it reflects their honesty, their dependability, their worthwhile-ness, their honour.
You need to look at the character of the people you choose to coach or mentor you. You also to think about their track record, do they know what they are talking about, do they have enough background and achievement in the areas that you are looking for to help you? Do they have a track record of success in those areas, do they listen – not only talk but listen? Have you ever heard the saying “We have two ears and one mouth and they should be used in that ratio.”? People who are great coaches spend a lot of time listening so that when they do speak, they have something to say that will be of high benefit to you.
(to be continued…)
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Posted: March 9th, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: advice, bad advice, benefit, critically important, dependability, energy, Frustration, good character, heart, listening, money, success, time, track record, what works best, winning