You Need To Pay Attention!
(continued from last week…)
#4 – Patience
You have to be willing to be patient. You have to understand that in everything, there are failures, there are frustrations, sometimes things go more easily, sometimes they go slower and harder.
To take the speed at which things evolve personally, would be a detriment to you and to your achievements. You have to take the time, you have to slow down and pay attention.
In doing therapy or coaching, quite often people will start to make progress and as they do they say, “I want to do it faster. I want it more. I want it better. I want it right now!” And there is something to be said for having that desire to succeed, that desire to achieve, that desire to overcome and move forward – that’s a great thing.
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The difficulty is that all too often it’s a process and they have to learn to crawl before they can learn to walk and they’ve to learn to walk before they can learn to run. That doesn’t mean you can’t move at a good clip.
Sometimes impatience will get in your way and you make silly mistakes that cause you difficulties. Have you ever seen someone who is building using hammer and nails and they get in such a hurry, they quit paying attention, trying to talk to people and they hit one of their fingers with the hammer. Ever had that experience yourself?
Having patience, doing it well, doing it as quickly as you can but paying attention, staying focused makes a difference. We have to hang in there. We have to have that stickability. We also have to have the patience to know that it’s going to take some time to get this achieved, to get the thing done that you want to do.
One of the skills that many people know, especially in the high technology world of learning is meditation. It is a tool, just like a wrench, just like learning to think, just like the ability to drive a car – it is a study, a skill, a tool. Having patience, being able to find your own center, being able to focus your mind so you don’t get blown away by the winds of change is essential.
John Lennon talked about there being instant tea, instant coffee and instant karma. Sometimes we don’t want our instant karma, but it’s there.
We hurry. We are trying to do bigger, better faster–and that’s not bad. But again if you are always in a rush it will take its toll on you. Patience, focus, centeredness, stickability, having drive but having a focused drive will assist you, especially when you can take a breath along the way. Patience and focus will win the day.
(to be continued…)
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The Achievement Manifesto
Have you ever wanted to start on a goal but didn’t quite know what to do to get going? Perhaps you wanted to start a new business venture, but felt you were blocked by a lack of knowledge. Maybe you have something you’d really like to act on but can’t get yourself motivated. The Achievement Manifesto gives you strategies you can use to build the life you desire. Up to today you’ve been behaving the way you do because of old internal programming and the attitudes that support those patterns. You may consider alternatives but most of the time you tend to run on autopilot from your past learning.
Posted: September 29th, 2021 under Audio Programs.
Tags: achievement, attention, coaching, drive, focus, Frustration, john lennon, karma, meditation, mistakes, patience, Stickability, therapy