Tag: plan of action
If You Don’t Make a Choice – They Will!
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 7 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) You Make The Choice There is no more self-empowering statement than, “I did this because I chose to do this.” Write this down and put this in […]
Posted: May 15th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: brain, decision, energy, exercise, feeling bad, guilt, health, lifting weights, live longer, nutrition, own it, physiology, plan of action, self-empowering, step up, wishful thinking, worry
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Don’t Be a Victim of Your Own Mind!
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 6 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) When you think about that magic vase, go find yourself a mentor. Somebody who can help you grow that skill. Plan your next step. Learn. Listen to […]
Posted: May 8th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: achieving goals, barriers, benefit, CDs, champion, coach, keep moving, mastermind, mentor, no more excuses, plan of action, procrastinate, skill, state of mind, videos
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 9)
Order and download this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Another process here in managing criticism is, don’t try to change their mind. You can’t control what other people are thinking. They have a right to their opinions even if they are mistaken. You can try and force them to change to […]
Posted: February 15th, 2017 under Audio Programs.
Tags: alternatives, attention, attitude, control, critic, difference, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, feedback, happy, personal control, plan of action, positive, self talk, skills, thanks, W. Clement Stone
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Risking – Going For Gold (Part 5)
Order and download this entire eight-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Risk Requires Goals If you’re going to take a risk, what you’re really talking about is you’re choosing new goals. There are eight components to effective goal-setting. 1. Goals Must Be Concrete The first aspect of setting effective goals to set off this […]
Posted: June 22nd, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: choosing new goals, clarify your goals, goal setting, motivation, pain and pleasure, passion, payoff, peace of mind, plan of action, risk and goals, take action, vision, write your goals
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