We Become What We Think About Most
Make Everyday A Great Day!
(Part 1 of 8)
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How do you make every day a great day? Through your work? Through your attitude? Through your interactions with others? Through the integrity you hold? Through the spirit within you? Through all of the life you live and breathe and move through day by day?
Everything you do is either building or diminishing your world–everything.
Every moment in your life is adding to a scale, and you’re either adding to the negative side or the positive side. You’re either adding more negativity that draws away from your relationships and your work and the people around you, or you’re adding to the positive side of the scale and tipping it that way through the work you do. Through the enhancements you make, the people you support, the things you do to take care of those you care about, you live with integrity, doing the job you do in an effective way.
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Every day you’re making that choice, the scale tips one way or it tips the other. Every act you take, every word you say, every look you give, every job you do, every thought you think is adding to that scale of your life. We need to affirm into existence the reality we desire.
There have been some people who have done that much more successfully than others, who truly were ‘world changers’ so to speak. One of those people is somebody I would like to share a little bit of information with you now, who’s truly one of my very first heroes, if you can call him that, of someone who is probably one of the greatest motivators of the 20th century.
Earl Nightingale Leads The Way
Earl Nightingale was an American radio personality, an author, a respected international speaker on the subject of human character, motivation, excellence, attitude, and creating a meaningful existence in our world. He was at one time termed the “Dean of Personal Development”.
In the early 1950’s he was the voice of the “Sky King” on the radio, a hero of radio adventure series. He authored a book called The Strangest Secret, considered one of the best motivational books of all time.
When Earl was 17 he joined the Marines. He was actually on the USS Arizona during the attack on Pearl Harbor and was one of the 15 surviving Marines onboard the day it was sunk.
Before being called to active duty in the Marines, he was an instructor at the Marines camp in North Carolina. During combat he was one of those people who encouraged his bunkmates and his commanders, that they could be the best. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons his tenaciousness assisted him in surviving the sinking of the Arizona.
After the war Mr. Nightingale began working in the radio industry more and more, it eventually led him to working as a motivational speaker.
In the fall of 1949, Earl Nightingale was inspired after reading the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. If you’ve never read Think and Grow Rich it is definitely worth your time. It contains information about getting rich, but more than that, it talks about making our lives effective; working and doing those things that can benefit us and the people around us.
Mr. Hill interviewed 507 of the most powerful men and women alive in the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s. Out of those interviews he uncovered concepts that made these individuals highly successful, and shared those with us in Think and Grow Rich.
Mr. Nightingale said that when he was 29 years old, as he was reading Think and Grow Rich, it was like a bolt of lightning hit him. All of a sudden he realized what he was supposed to do. He realized that 7 words by Napoleon Hill were the answer to a question he’d been looking for and it was, “We become what we think about most.” Those 7 words were life changers.
In 1956 he produced a spoken word record called The Strangest Secret, it sold over a million copies. It was the very first spoken word recording to receive a Gold Record status. He was the founder of the Nightingale-Conant Corporation along with his friend Lloyd Conant and in 1987 they published another very successful audio program called Lead the Field.
Some of the things he did were, he won the Gold Record for The Strangest Secret. In 1976 he won the Golden Gavel from Toastmasters International for being one of the best speakers ever. He was inducted into the National Speakers Hall of Fame. In 1985 Earl Nightingale was inducted into the Association of National Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
Earl Nightingale’s radio program, Our Changing World, became the most highly syndicated radio program ever in the history of radio. It was on air across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, all of Europe, New Zealand, Fiji, South Africa and the Bahamas. It also was broadcast through out the world on the Armed Forces Network Radio.
(to be continued…)
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Posted: December 18th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: attitude, choice, Earl Nightingale, excellence, integrity, motivation, Napoleon Hill, spirit, success, toastmasters, “Think and Grow Rich”