Can You Change Your Attitude?
(continued from last week…)
Drivers for You
One of the things we have to think about is, what are some of those things that drive us, what are some of those processes that move us forward? You have these old patterns you developed and they probably served you well up to this moment in your life but are they going to also serve you well into the future?
If you drove your car today like you did when you first started driving, driving would be a chore for you. My guess is you can probably get in, start the car, and automatically be able to do what you need to do, look all around you, make great decisions, and go safely where you need to.
The way you drive next week can even be improved more because you pay better attention, you learn things about driving, you know better signals etc. It’s a choice. You begin to use your mental patterns to take you where you want to go. Your attitude that you are carrying today is about what you built in the past.
Your decisions, learning, actions, and reactions determine your future!
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No one can change your attitude, only you can. And that attitude is built by what you’ve been telling yourself for years. It’s about what you think about doing the work, doing the job, playing, interacting with other people, building goals, it’s all a choice, it’s about the attitudes you build overtime.
Think about this for a moment: “You are a valuable, worthwhile, significant individual.” As I say that, what’s your reaction?
“You are a valuable worthwhile significant individual.”
Does it just pass over you and do nothing? Inside do you feel a little warmed by that thought? Your attitudes about life and about yourself will help determine whether that affects you in a positive way or not at all.
What is your reaction? How do you feel about your worthiness, your importance, who you are as an individual? All that has been built over time and it’s continually supported and by who you are and what you are doing.
Your goals, those things you chose to do and the reality you move into are choices, and your success begins by what’s going on inside of you much more so than anything else outside of you. Only what you can perceive as possible can you actually bring into reality.
You have to see something as able to be done. When you analyze someone like Richard Branson who has founded dozens of corporations, helped thousands of people achieve goals they desire, when you overview his mental process you see that he has very few limitations.
When he thinks about starting a business, he analyses it, thinks about himself, thinks about his potential, brings together a team to help him and then they take action. They only put up barriers if they see that there is something happening that could damage their potential goal. After doing so they then pick then pick and move forward in another direction.
When something goes badly, we need to overview what’s happened. We need to look at it, think about it, shift in the way we think about it, decide not to do that again next time, then choose a new direction.
We have to set up “Until now I’ve done X but from now on I’m going to do Y.”
Instead of telling yourself, “I just can’t make a speech,” you have to change your thinking to, “Up until now, it has been difficult for me to speak to groups. But I’m learning new things, I’m finding out new ways and now I could begin to access my potential and do things I couldn’t do before”. Think about it. “Up until now I couldn’t do X”, moving from that into “Now I can begin doing X because I will take more action to achieve it”. It is a choice.
(to be continued…)
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Achieving Greatness One Thought At a Time Do you want to radically disrupt your mindset and think bigger? Do you feel it on your fingertips, just out of reach? Do you find yourself striving to break through the seams to success but just can’t push through the box you live in? The real you has an urge—and ability—to live in a much larger way. Transform your thoughts, your life, and your actions to achieve greatness … one thought at a time. This powerful audio program featuring top motivational speakers and thought leaders will teach you steps to increase confidence and motivation to reach your goals. In Thinking Big Les Brown will infuse you with inspiration and a sense of empowerment so you can choose your future. Understand the link between motivation and accomplishment with Zig Ziglar. Be a student of Chris Widener and learn what is needed to influence others around you. Discover proven strategies to break through your limiting beliefs and achieve greatness with Dr. Larry Iverson.

Posted: June 9th, 2021 under Audio Programs.
Tags: achieve, action, attitude, Choices, drivers, goals, limitations, mental pattern, move forward, perceive as possible, potential, reality, Richard Branson, see, success, worthiness