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Part 6 of 10 from The Heart of Winning!

(continued from last week…)

Goals Build Wins

To win you must be very clear about what you want. You have to have a vision and you have to have goals. There was a survey taken in corporate America surveying people to see how much they were getting done on an average daily basis in whatever the work was they were doing.

Interestingly the side note was that right before they went on vacation, for one to two days prior on average they got double the amount done on a daily basis that they normally did. Why not work like every day is the day before you are going on vacation? Think how much more you would get done.

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Goals really help bring your future into your present. It helps you see what’s possible, it helps you have passion and desire to go out and achieve. You have to plan your time. Since you’re planning it, choose your target. Shoot for that target because that’s where you really want to go.

Your goals help keep you focused on things that matter most to you, personal and professional. That focus helps you change from wandering around scattered to a fine focused target approach. Setting goals gives direction, gives purpose, gives activity, and helps you be more excited.

Unfortunately for too many people excuses come to the fore. Many people make excuses for not being willing or able to set goals. We’re all able to set goals. You just have to want to. You have to have something you desire. You have to have something that you see as worthwhile. If you don’t see something as worthwhile you are not going to desire it enough to want to go do it.

Your boss can set goals for you, yet if you choose the goals yourself and say this is something I wish to achieve whether someone else gave the idea, you have much more drive.

After all, if you set a goal and you fail to reach it, some people may consider that a failure but if you went out and you did the best you could and you learned in the process, then the next time you go out and take a shot at something you’re probably going to come closer to it. Why? Because you learned from the last time.

It is better to have tried and failed than not have tried at all. Always. You have to go out and go for it. Your life is a journey, it’s a journey of discovery, it’s a journey of creation, it’s a journey of success and failure. You are born to do great things. You can be, you can do, you can achieve whatever you desire. It’s really up to you.

Your whole life, not just one little piece of it, not just at work, or with your children, with your spouse, with your friends, in athletics, with your own health, you are the only limiting factor to yourself. You can go out and make things happen that no one else can, you have to pick the target, you have a desire, and you have to go for those goals. It’s okay to say you have a goal towards something but you need to be certain that you have the right attitude about setting your goals. You don’t just think of it as a tiresome activity that’s going to require lots of drudgery in order to achieve something.

The benefit of setting goals, of choosing your target, of deciding what you want to do, of building your desire is that you’re creating your future. What is the benefit to you by achieving this goal that you desire? What’s the benefit to the people around you? What’s it going to do for your life? You need to think about those goals you’re setting, those things you are trying to achieve, and how they benefit you overall in the long run. They are something you can do to make your life better.

Have you started thinking about what you want to achieve, when, and where? Have you started listing things that are coming up for you, possibly some things that might be to your benefit to do along the way? I hope so, because these things are the fuel to have a better life.

If you want to have a better tomorrow then begin today by making plans so that you can take action to build a better tomorrow. All too often your past experience has given you a limited idea of how high you can rise. Having a positive attitude is essential to success. Preparation is really a key ingredient for any level of achievement. You have to get ready physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually; and psychologically.

(to be continued…)

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