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What Would You Give Up To Achieve Success?

How to Create a Commanding Presence – Strategies for Building Charisma and Connection to Communicate Powerfully and Persuasively – (Part 3 of 16)

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(…continued from last week)

Lesson From A Friend

When I was growing up my parents were close friends with a couple in Los Angeles in the Bel Air area, Gerald and Liz Jennings. Gerald Jennings was the founder and CEO of the Everest Jennings Corporation which in his day was the largest manufacturer of wheel chairs in the world.

One summer when in high school, I took a vacation and stayed with the Jennings’. Just lazed around, swam in their pool and took it easy. It was a very beautiful place, and they treated me as if I was a member of their family.

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An Ah-Ha Moment

One morning as Mr. Jennings was getting ready for work, and he and I were having breakfast together.

I looked around at the opulence they had in their lives. They were wealthy, had a lot of free time, worked hard and did some good with their lives, and had a lifestyle to be envied. I was wondering how they achieved this level of success so I asked. “Mr. Jennings, how do I create the success that you have? What needs to be done to do that?”

He looked at me, smiled and said, “There are a couple of the questions you really need to ask yourself. First—what would you be willing to do to have the lifestyle, the energy, the money, whatever it is you desire in life? And there is another question that you need to ask yourself that’s at least as important as the first one.”

“That second question is, “What will I give up to have this success?” Will I give up my time? Will I give up my energy? Will I pay out money? Will I give up time with my family? Will I give up my energy of my mind, and my focus in some areas in my life? In other words, what will you trade-off to have that success you desire?”

Something that I never realized at that time about Mr. Jennings, was why so many people worked effectively with him. He had a powerful, charismatic presence. He was not the most attractive man, but his presence was powerful.

What Will You….

These questions were a puzzler to me at that time. I spent a lot of time thinking about it. What will I let go of, and what skills am I willing to work at to develop to make my life more the way I want it to be?

A conclusion I came to is rather a bottom line. One of the most essential personal skills for achieving your desired outcomes, is to be highly persuasive and have Personal Command Presence.

There are things we each need to develop and others to trade off, as Mr. Jennings said. You may need to give up some of those things that get in your way, and you need to learn the strategies to enrich skills.

You need to take a little time away from your video games, movies, television, sitting staring at the wall, whatever it happens to be for you. You let that go so you can achieve the desired outcomes you want.

Because again, we are all in sales, are we not? In our relationships, in our work, in our hobbies, with our communities. If you belong to a church group, don’t you want to have a little bit of influence there to help the church grow and thrive? Presence is central to making that happen.

You need to think about what you’re willing to do to have this persuasive presence, and what are we willing to give up or stop doing, that gets in the way of it.

(to be continued…)

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