Tag: think
Can We Talk About This Later?
Part 4 of 14 from Communication Essentials (continued from last week…) The Appropriate Time A third tip for building a great relationship and improving your communications is don’t bring up important issues during rushed, stressful or inappropriate times of day. Does that happen? Oh yes, but we need to slow down. If it’s important enough […]
Posted: May 25th, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: appropriate, difficulties, feelings, first priority, hurt, irritated, look, past, problems, relationship, resentment, talking, think, timing, unconscious memory, undermine
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Reply, Don’t Just React
Part 2 of 14 from Communication Essentials (continued from last week…) Also what we need to do if someone does have a request of us is to reply to them rather than to react to them. Replying is softer and yet still direct. Just reacting is a common cause of communication breakdowns and misunderstandings. A […]
Posted: May 11th, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: actions, communication, contemplate, feelings, gut reaction, lost touch, Mark Twain, pause, reacting, slow down, think, think about it, trigger
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