Tag: resentment
Can We Talk About This Later?
Part 4 of 14 from Communication Essentials (continued from last week…) The Appropriate Time A third tip for building a great relationship and improving your communications is don’t bring up important issues during rushed, stressful or inappropriate times of day. Does that happen? Oh yes, but we need to slow down. If it’s important enough […]
Posted: May 25th, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: appropriate, difficulties, feelings, first priority, hurt, irritated, look, past, problems, relationship, resentment, talking, think, timing, unconscious memory, undermine
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Surround Your Self With The Right People
The Practice of Happiness The Dozen Core Components To Creating Abundant Happiness (Part 12 of 14) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Surround Your Self With The Right People I mentioned something about this before. Who are you choosing to be around? Are you choosing to be around motivated, excited, […]
Posted: November 13th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: choose, Epictetus, forgive, forgiveness, get past it, happy people, help, help others, kindness, motivated, personal gain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, resentment, value, weakness, whining
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Only You Can Defeate the Dark Side!
Order and download this entire audio program. I’ve Only Got Three Nerves Left – And You Are Pinching Two Of Them (Part 2) (…continued from last week) The Dark Side You see, there really is a dark side of conflict and criticism, when people are trying to pinch two of your last three nerves. When […]
Posted: June 27th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: center of truth, conflict, Criticism, defensiveness, forethought, gut reaction, integrity, internal dialogue, overwhelm, resentment, resistance, strong emotions, your mind
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 1)
Order and download this entire nine-part audio program. Have you ever had someone pick on you? Or be sarcastic towards you or blame you for something you did, or maybe didn’t do? Have you ever had people give you a hard time about things? How much do most of us like criticism? Not too much. […]
Posted: December 7th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: antagonists, conflict, Criticism, criticized, ego, fear, fight, mental state, negative, rejection, resentment, sarcastic, seduction, self control
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Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back (Part 8)
Order and download this entire ten-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Einstein’s Attitude Adjusters Albert Einstein is most well-known for his theory of relativity. Yet toward the end of his life, he wrote on spirituality, on attitudes, on the human condition, on becoming happier and being a more effective human being. He wrote about […]
Posted: April 6th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anger, attitude, calmness, courage, Einstein, focus, happiness, managing yourself, resentment, Steve Andreas
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