Tag: conversation
Can You Make a Positive Connection?
Part 9 of 12 from Communication Dance (continued from last week…) Making A Positive Connection Why would one person say another is a fake? Usually because there is a disparity between what the person is saying and his or her behavior. There is a mismatch between the communication signals that you are receiving, the words […]
Posted: November 30th, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: behavior, beliefs, conflicting signals, connection pace, conversation, customs, feeling, gestures, overwhelm, pacing, rapport, tone of voice, values
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The Law of Requisite Variety
Part 3 of 12 from Communication Dance (continued from last week…) Options Make Life Easier Remember the mathematical principle, the Law of Requisite Variety? It says “The part of system with the most options will control the system.” Not might control the system, not could control the system, “will” control the system. For instance, what’s […]
Posted: October 19th, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: behavior, break-down, conflict, conversation, disagreement, flexibility, law of requisite variety, master, obvious, options, parent, perspective, spouse, stay calm
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