Tag: happiness
Breaking Free! (Part 5)
Order and download this entire audio program. (…continued from last week) Your Choices Make You A number of years ago on the radio, the commentator Paul Harvey said, “We are all a product of our choices, not of the circumstances we encounter.” And then he told this story about twin brothers. From the time they […]
Posted: April 4th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: action oriented, Choices, develop, excuses, happiness, learn, opportunity, Paul Harvey, potential, risk, study, take a chance, therapy, victim
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Risking – Going For Gold (Part 9)
Order and download this entire eight-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Don’t give up too soon. There are times when we are so close and we just can’t quite get over the hump. Thomas Edison once said “Most people stop just before they get to success.” Don’t be that way. Don’t give up too […]
Posted: July 20th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: being your best you, decisiveness, do your best, focus, fulfilling life, goals, happiness, influence, motivation, overcoming problems, persistent, risks, take action, tenacious, trust, vision, your reality
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Risking – Going For Gold (Part 2)
Order and download this entire eight-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Risk Entails Loss “What are you willing to give up?” With every change there is loss. What are you willing to give up to have whatever you desire, whether that’s a better relationship, more money, your own business, a change of business, living […]
Posted: June 1st, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anxiety, change, commitment, defense mechanisms, evolving, fulfillment, Glenn Turner, Go for it, happiness, letting go, pain and pleasure, richness in life, risk, taking risks, yes you can
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Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back (Part 8)
Order and download this entire ten-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Einstein’s Attitude Adjusters Albert Einstein is most well-known for his theory of relativity. Yet toward the end of his life, he wrote on spirituality, on attitudes, on the human condition, on becoming happier and being a more effective human being. He wrote about […]
Posted: April 6th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anger, attitude, calmness, courage, Einstein, focus, happiness, managing yourself, resentment, Steve Andreas
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