Tag: negative
Do You Take Responsibility?
Part 10 of 11 from Mission Success (continued from last week…) Eliminate “Try”, Move Into “Can” You need to see what you can do, not try to do but what you can do and will do! Don’t allow yourself to be blocked by other people’s inhibitors for them. Perhaps sometimes we have to allow our […]
Posted: June 30th, 2021 under Audio Programs.
Tags: action, barriers, calm your body, calm your mind, future, inhibit, moving forward, negative, pick a direction, positive, pressure, reality, relax, responsible, stronger process, try, your mind
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How Can I Break Old Patterns?
Part 8 of 11 from Mission Success (continued from last week…) Positive Possibilities Too frequently, we see individuals whose attitude is “How can I ever stop what I’m doing or do something different than I’m now doing?” “How can I break these old patterns, how can I take on a new way?” It is more […]
Posted: June 16th, 2021 under Audio Programs.
Tags: attitude, choice, decision, habit, hope, internal dialogue, life, managing your brain, negative, now, positive, procrastination, relationship, success, what if
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Watch What Your Mind Is Telling You!
How to Create a Commanding Presence – Strategies for Building Charisma and Connection to Communicate Powerfully and Persuasively – (Part 13 of 16) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Internal Computations Your internal computations are the self-talk inside of your head and the self-talk inside of the other person’s head. […]
Posted: January 9th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: better mood, body posture, building charisma, emotions, external behavior, gesturing, inner dialogue, internal computations, mental images, negative, positive, self talk, Stanford
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 1)
Order and download this entire nine-part audio program. Have you ever had someone pick on you? Or be sarcastic towards you or blame you for something you did, or maybe didn’t do? Have you ever had people give you a hard time about things? How much do most of us like criticism? Not too much. […]
Posted: December 7th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: antagonists, conflict, Criticism, criticized, ego, fear, fight, mental state, negative, rejection, resentment, sarcastic, seduction, self control
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