Tag: Criticism
How Dare They Say That To Me!
Order and download this entire audio program. I’ve Only Got Three Nerves Left – And You Are Pinching Two Of Them (Part 11) (…continued from last week) Reactions to Negative Input In his book Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams said, “A learning experience is one of those things that says, “You know […]
Posted: August 29th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anger, angry, blame, counterproductive response, Criticism, denial, Douglas Adams, fear, Hitchhikers Guide, Inadequacy, only thing you can control, Shame
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Don’t Let Your Bad Mood Distort Your Reality!
Order and download this entire audio program. I’ve Only Got Three Nerves Left – And You Are Pinching Two Of Them (Part 4) (…continued from last week) It’s A Perception Process Receiving criticism, negative feedback, getting rubbed the wrong way by somebody is absolutely part of life. Most of us don’t like to be criticized. […]
Posted: July 11th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: bad mood, control maneuver, Criticism, distorters, manipulation, negative feedback, perception, power grab, timing, unrealistic standards
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Only You Can Defeate the Dark Side!
Order and download this entire audio program. I’ve Only Got Three Nerves Left – And You Are Pinching Two Of Them (Part 2) (…continued from last week) The Dark Side You see, there really is a dark side of conflict and criticism, when people are trying to pinch two of your last three nerves. When […]
Posted: June 27th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: center of truth, conflict, Criticism, defensiveness, forethought, gut reaction, integrity, internal dialogue, overwhelm, resentment, resistance, strong emotions, your mind
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Churchill Didn’t Put Up With Nonsense – Neither Should You!
Order and download this entire audio program. I’ve Only Got Three Nerves Left – And You Are Pinching Two Of Them (Part 1) Have you ever had people rub you the wrong way? Does negativity or criticism take a toll on you? Do you ever wish for a way to unplug from tensions inherent in […]
Posted: June 20th, 2018 under Audio Programs.
Tags: center of balance, Churchill, Criticism, feedback, negative people, sarcasm, tease, tensions, Winston
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 8)
Order and download this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Managing the Negatives There are various ways of dealing with criticism or negative feedback when it comes at us. What works best for someone you know, may not work for you. In order for any of these methods to work well they […]
Posted: February 8th, 2017 under Audio Programs.
Tags: aggressive, agree in part, blocked, Criticism, defensive, emotional, empathy, fear, hostile, listening, mad, perception, reality, relax, sad, validation
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 7)
Order and download this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Shame and/or Inadequacy Nearly everyone at some point has suspicions that they really aren’t very adequate or capable in some part of life. We develop this very early in childhood, and hopefully with the opposing sense that we are also okay. Yet […]
Posted: January 18th, 2017 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anger, angry, ashamed, Criticism, demand, Inadequacy, punish, Shame, target
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 6)
Order and download this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Direct Criticism The fourth type of criticism is direct criticism. Here the criticism is open and direct without being particularly aggressive. If you are going to receive criticism, this is the best form because they are being honest or straightforward. There is […]
Posted: January 11th, 2017 under Audio Programs.
Tags: aggressive, assertive, attack, blame, blaming, counter-attack, Criticism, defense, denial, fault, Lao Tzu, mistake, risk, self-defense
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Handle It – Dealing with Criticism and Negative Feedback (Part 4)
Order and download this entire nine-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Fear Distortion The seventh of these is fear. Some people are so hesitant to criticize that the feedback comes across in a very disguised form. The persons’ fear of you, of reprisal, or being out done may make them want to not be […]
Posted: December 28th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: active listening, collaborator, communicate, conflict management, Criticism, criticize, emotions, fear, meditation, negotiate, paraphrasing, toolbox, victim
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