Tag: positive thinking
Build A New Life Today!
No More Excuses! Controlling Your Destiny by Overcoming Excuses That Block Your Success (Part 9 of 9) Order this entire audio program and transcript. (…continued from last week) Choose your Reality Carefully As I was preparing this program a couple of quotes that align with proactiveness, with the ‘no excuses’ mindset, with the champion’s mindset […]
Posted: May 29th, 2019 under Audio Programs.
Tags: best results, choose, commitment, doubts, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Go for it, limitation, mindset, no excuses, positive thinking, President Roosevelt, proactive, reality, subconscious, today
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Choose to Live With A Positive Attitude
The following is an excerpt from James Allen’s 1902 work “As A Man Thinketh”. There is great wisdom in these thoughts. Enjoy! MAN’S mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds […]
Posted: February 1st, 2012 under Inspirational Story.
Tags: mental control, mental focus, positive attitude, positive thinking, power of your mind
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Creating Greater Success – Go For It Now!
Anybody can succeed once — often by accident. Yet ongoing success requires having vision, making a plan, taking action, revising your plan, taking new corrected action, revision of that new plan, taking more action, etc. Your habits will make or break you.
Posted: November 9th, 2011 under Tips for Success.
Tags: commitment to excellence, creating skills, creating success, go for it now, limitless potential, mental coach, negative self talk, ongoing success, positive thinking, self talk, take action
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Building Success—One Day At A Time
Making a shift in your day-to-day behaviors may be easier than previously imagined. By deep relaxation, focusing and repeating motivational and inspirational quotes, you are better prepared to change your thought patterns, behaviors and in turn, change your life. Here’s a process for change…….. “It’s often hard when I have to, but significantly easier when […]
Posted: August 24th, 2011 under Tips for Success.
Tags: attitude, behavior, beliefs, change, focus, goal setting, goals, inspiration, meditation, mind, motivation, positive attitude, positive thinking, self help, thinking, thoughts, weight loss
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