Tag: negative self talk
Are You Like A Garbage Truck?
Part 11 of 12 from Winning Relationships! (continued from last week…) Garbage Truck He continued, “This experience is ‘the principle of the garbage truck’. There are a huge number of people that are like an over-filled garbage truck, they’re trying to find a place to dump their garbage all the time.” “They’re filled with pent-up […]
Posted: April 14th, 2021 under Audio Programs.
Tags: ah-ha moment, amazing, anger, breathe, choice, disappointment, drag you down, drama, fear, Frustration, garbage truck, getting caught up, negative self talk, pent up, sadness, smile
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Truth Is Fact, Perception Is Reality
Part 11 of 12 from Wake Up and Win! Turn Off The Autopilot (continued from last week…) Your Thinking & Reality Part of taking your life off autopilot is waking up to your thinking patterns. We all have positive thoughts. We all have negative thoughts. That’s normal. The percentage of time that you spend in […]
Posted: December 23rd, 2020 under Audio Programs.
Tags: autopilot, control, disappointment, Einstein, energy, focus, Frustration, negative self talk, negativity, perception, pessimistic, reality, thinking pattern
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Strategies for Generating Greater Harmony Throughout Your Life (Part 6)
Order and download this entire audio program. (…continued from last week) Another thing you must do to have more harmony, more peace within your world is to challenge your shoulds. Quit shoulding on yourself – “I should do this, I must do that, I ought to have _____”fill in the blank. The shoulds, the musts, […]
Posted: September 20th, 2017 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, Louis L ’Amour, monitor thoughts, negative self talk, Nelson Mandela, Shame, should, shoulds, stronger, thinking patterns, worry
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Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back (Part 5)
Order and download this entire ten-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Analyze, Decide, Act In 1939, there was a paper published at the Mayo clinic by Dr. W.C. Alverez. He said ulcers usually flare up or subside according to the hills and valleys of emotional stress. He made that statement backed up by a […]
Posted: March 16th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anxiety, Aristotle, decisiveness, Mayo Clinic, mind body connection, negative self talk, overwhelm, stress, worry
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Use Your Imagination for Greater Achievement
Compare the normal adult imagination to that of a child. It’s the difference between a 5 watt light bulb and a 1,000,000 watt search light. You wouldn’t want to live your life in the fantasy world that most children reside in, but your imagination is crucial.
Posted: September 25th, 2013 under Tips for Success.
Tags: Dr. Larry Iverson, focus on success, goal focus, greater achievement, negative self talk, use your imagination
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The Perfect Time To Start
Have you ever heard someone describe another persons’ success as “luck”? “They are just so lucky. Things always seem to work out for them.” Thomas Jefferson said, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” Got big dreams? Have something you’d really like to do that could help your family, community, church, company, or world? […]
Posted: September 11th, 2013 under Tips for Success.
Tags: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Larry Iverson, fear, negative self talk, negative thinking, procrastination, success, take action, Thomas Jefferson
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You Can Create The Life You Want
Becoming discouraged when things aren’t going the way you want is normal. You wonder sometimes how you’re going to keep going. Does it at times seem like it’s all just too hard? Or there’s too much to do and you don’t know how to do it all? You can break through all of that. Building […]
Posted: June 19th, 2013 under Tips for Success.
Tags: create the life you want, Dr. Larry Iverson, focus on goals, focus on success, have enthusiasm, negative self talk, solution focus
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Burning-Out–Attitudes That Create Burnout
Everybody at sometime has said, “I feel burned out.” Well, if you say that, you are probably on your way. Burnout is a common occurrence in 21st Century life. It is the result of chronic pressure, tension and stress that just doesn’t let up. Here are 5 attitudes and thinking patterns that lead you down […]
Posted: September 5th, 2012 under Tips for Success.
Tags: burning out, burnout and health, burnout and stress, control your emotions, control your mind, Dr. Larry Iverson, negative self talk, negative thinking, signs of burnout, symptoms of burnout
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