Tag: negative feelings
Using your Brain Effectively (Part 7)
Order and download this entire eight-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Interact For Growth An important component is being social, talking to other people. Have people to interact with, whether that is social interaction at work, or social interaction in your personal life–have social interactions. Talk to people that you like, that stimulate you, […]
Posted: September 14th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: anger, anxiety, balanced life, Cambridge, cognitive reserve, depression, Dr. Fabiny, emotional health, learning, manage feelings, mental control, mental vitality, negative feelings, neurons, overwhelm, self control, stress
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Self-Talk Control — Eliminate Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Zig Ziglar said, “Every day we all need a checkup from the neck up, to avoid stinkin’ thinkin’ and hardening of the attitudes.” Ain’t that the truth!!! What is that voice in your head telling you most of the time? Is it saying how wonderful life is, and how much you just love to go […]
Posted: August 1st, 2012 under Tips for Success.
Tags: Dr. Larry Iverson, how emotions are created, internal dialogue, negative feelings, negative self talk, negative thinking, positive self-talk, Zig Ziglar
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